King George V Bowling Club
Latest News
KGV Fixtures for 2025
All league fixtures for 2025 have now been published on the website.
To see the fixtures click on "League Fixtures" on the menu bar at the top of this page, then click on the rose next to the fixtures you wish to look at.
Some important days for the start of the Season
Club Subs Day
Sat 29th March between 10:00am and 12:00 noon come down to the club and pay your annual subscriptions, put your names down for the Club Competitions and the Spring Triples Fun Day
Club Open Day & Green open
Sat 5th April from 2:00pm to 5:00pm the green will be open. This depends on the weather, if it has been wet prior to this date then we may have to postpone the open day to the following Sat 12th April. If you have any friends, relations or aquantances that would like to try bowling, then this is a good day to bring them down and have a go.
Please remember after the open day, the Green will be available every day from 10:00am to 8:00pm, except Monday and Thursday mornings, this is when the maintenance team will be cutting the grass etc.
Spring Triples Fun Day
Sat 3rd May will be the Fun Day, you will be able to put your name down at the subs day, then the entry sheet will be in the changing room, get your name down no later that Sat 26 April.
Communal bowling
Once the green opens then the ususal communal bowling will start:-
Tuesday 10:00am to 12:00 noon
Sunday 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Polite Reminder
Please remember that bowling shoes are only to be worn on the bowling green and not to travel or walk to the green from home, as any contamination that has occurred on their shoes could be detrimental to the green, also when members enter the green, please could they refrain from walking across the green and use the paths provided.
Presentation Night with our Sponsors
Roseberry Funeral Services
Shirts supplied by Zapkam. For additional clothing from Zapkam with our design click Here to go to their website.
Click on the menu option 'Club Shop' at the top of the page, enter kin in the white box, click on the magnifing glass, then click on the white rose. You will then see a selection of the clothing available.
Look at the Boston Bowls website for a list of all the venues that Boston Bowls will visit this year.
A lot of the venues are local to us.
Click logo to go to the Boston Bowls Website